Here is a small unit, of what I am dubbing, Indostani Regulars. This "uniformed" force is meant to represent Indostanis that have received European training and are capable of fighting as a cohesive unit with some skill. I chose marching figures for the entire group to help define their uniformity, as well I painted them all the same color. I hope to do 12 more purple matchlockmen, to form two Sharp Practice groups, or if you prefer, a half company. (Click the images to enlarge)
The command figures. |
The mounted officer. |
The class photo. |
These were all painted with mostly acrylic house paints and
Army Painter. I don't consider myself a painter at all (and rarely enjoy the chore), but I'm happy with these. Army Painter is
very forgiving and gives me a good confidence boost. I think it has helped me to improve my painting
skills. I thoroughly recommend it to all other mediocre painters out there.
Kevin Dallimore eat your heart out!
Simply excellent!
ReplyDeleteReally lovely stuff. I like them.
ReplyDeleteWhatever you say about your painting skills those are some well painted figures.
ReplyDeleteA very impressive and well painted unit.
Yeah, you can't say you're not a good painter with these models. They look great. An interesting subject to focus on. I looked into 1/72 early colonial Indian figs after reading Cornwell's Sharpe in India books, but then got distracted by other subjects.
ReplyDeleteI agree with the others, your painting is far better than you give credit. Very inspiring figs. Out of curiousity, what is the source for the palm trees in the background of the photos? The trunks have a very nice texture.
ReplyDeleteI agree with everyone else. These really are figures (and painting) to be proud of. A beautiful unit.
ReplyDeleteBest wishes
Thank you all for the encouraging words, it is much appreciated.
ReplyDeleteirishserb: The palms are from
Those look fantastic, mate. I've got some Indians (of the Red variety) that I've been wary of putting paint to. I reckon I'll give the army painter a go as the idea of highlighting every little bit of detail on them has been what's kept them on the shelf for at least 3 years now.
ReplyDeleteI'll be reading you blog with interest. I took the plunge into SYW skirmish gaming and after deliberating over the various theatres (America, Europe and India) I decided on Western Europe. I nearly went for India and hope to head over that way eventually, though. Thank you for the inspiring posts.