Welcome to "Adventures in Lead", a blog dedicated to the hobby of miniature wargaming. The figures and terrain on this site are mainly for a campaign set in exotic "Indostan", a distant land bearing remarkable similarities to 18th century India during the Seven Years War. Bits and pieces from other projects may pop up here as well from time to time, including colonials, gladiators, pirates, dinosaur-hunting and even some RPG'ing.
The actual campaign journal and after action reports for the Indostan campaign can be found on their own blog - "Indostan: The Jewel in the Crown", the link to which is found by clicking the small image below-left.
If you do find anything remotely interesting on this blog please leave a comment, it's what keeps these sites going and their authors motivated - Thanks for looking.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Blood on the Sands - Murmillo and Provocator

Still singing the praises of the amazing Dr Mathias, aka Matt Leahy who is doing such an AMAZING job on my Blood on the Sands armatura sheets. Matt has his own website which displays some of his beautiful paintings and drawings HERE. And as mentioned in an early post is also a professional miniatures painter. His gallery of figuring painting on LAF is HERE. Talented man!!
Matt has kindly completed two more armatura sheets and I thought I would share them with you. We'd love to hear what you think. I present to you the Murmillo and Provocator:-



Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Blood on the Sands - New Armatura Sheet

I'm too excited not to share the basis for the new Blood on the Sands "Armatura Sheet", created by the very talented Dr. Mathias. It is truly a work of art in my eyes and has me very excited now, anticipating the sheet all "armored up". The work is everything I personally envisioned for the game, but could never dream of achieving on my own. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the new sheet and whether you think it is going in the right direction. Hats off to Dr. Mathias.

On another note, the next Indostan game has been played and the report is being written and an AAR should be posted in the next few days.

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Blood on the Sands - New Playsheet

Blood on the Sands has been dominating all of my spare time lately, unfortunately leaving very little time for anything much else. I do promise that we are planning on having an Indostan game very soon though, for any interested in less oiled, testosteroned subjects. The good news is that the BotS playtesters have returned very positive comments and suggestions. There are a few minor things to iron out, but the core game mechanics are proving solid and most importantly fun.

A very talented member of the Lead Adventure Forum, the famous Dr Mathias (Purveyor of the one-and-only Miracle Elixir!) has kindly lent his artistic and design skills to Blood on the Sands. He is redesigning the sheets and counters for the game and doing a great job of it too. Dr Mathias is a very talented professional miniatures painter as well and you can check out his gallery on LAF here.

What follows is the close to completed playsheet that Dr Mathias has applied his talents to. I think it looks very manly and Roman. What do you think -  I'd love to hear your comments?

The new BotS playsheet by the talented Dr Mathias