Welcome to "Adventures in Lead", a blog dedicated to the hobby of miniature wargaming. The figures and terrain on this site are mainly for a campaign set in exotic "Indostan", a distant land bearing remarkable similarities to 18th century India during the Seven Years War. Bits and pieces from other projects may pop up here as well from time to time, including colonials, gladiators, pirates, dinosaur-hunting and even some RPG'ing.
The actual campaign journal and after action reports for the Indostan campaign can be found on their own blog - "Indostan: The Jewel in the Crown", the link to which is found by clicking the small image below-left.
If you do find anything remotely interesting on this blog please leave a comment, it's what keeps these sites going and their authors motivated - Thanks for looking.

Monday, May 23, 2011

Noble Indostani Cavalry

After the recent poll on whether to use a flash when photographing miniatures returned a fairly mixed response I have decided to return to photo taking without the flash. Most people said they would use it on occasion when necessary, but those who voted no, outweighed those that said yes. I am happy with the advice.

Below are some recent paints of what I am dubbing, Noble Indostani Cavalry. They are actually Foundry Mounted Sikh Nobles, but are close enough. They were actually pretty good to paint and with a good part of them being chain, relatively easy. They do require a bit of planning with their coloring, but should allow me to go even more garish in the future. The rightmost guy has parts of his plate painted green, which makes for a nice change to the all metal look. I have about 20 or so more of these guys to do, half of whom have lances. They are painted with Army Painter and the pics were taken without a flash. (Click the images to enlarge)


  1. Beautiful painting, Furt, as always.


  2. Very nice figures, sir. I'm looking forward to pics of the whole band.

  3. Very nice work on the figures! Flashless photos seem to work just fine.

  4. Do you use the colors for anything beyond decoration? Like to denote political/military affiliation during the game?

  5. Thanks for all the comments guys. BigMike - With these cavalry I do not intend to use color to denote anything other than individuality. I do intend to use colored uniforms for the Indostani foot troops though, to denote military units, like here http://adventuresinlead.blogspot.com/2010/11/purple-indostani-regulars.html

  6. Cracking stuff - still uncertain about the flash.

  7. Furt please stop with the cavalry!! im getting nightmares!!
    think i need to get some light dragoons....or bigger guns...
