After the body of Lyphades has been removed from the arena and Drusix takes his victory bow, the patrician announces another matched pair. "I give you, Camonius the Gaul, secutor, versus Floronius, retiarius." The gladiators enter into the arena from the dark archways and take their places opposite each other. At the patrician's signal the combat begins.
Camonius the Gaul (left), secutor, versus Floronius (right), retiarius |
Floronius is the first to act, skittering around the secutor at a wide berth, his net twirling. Camonius purposefully moves to meet him, striking out with his gladius, while the retiarius agilely keeps him at trident length. Floronius gives ground to the Gaul's attacks, checking him suddenly with a lash from his net. Camonius is forced to chase the retreating retiarius, but breaks off when he fends off an attack with the trident.
The retiarius makes a wide berth around the secutor. |
Floronius springs forward suddenly his trident thrusting low. It careens off the secutor's scutum, catching him in the unprotected thigh of his right leg. The three points of the trident bury themselves in Camonius' flesh and bright blood flows freely from the wound. The secutor's leg gives from under him, he stumbles and falls in a heap. The gathered crowd roars at the blood, urging the gladiator to stand. Struggling to rise, he fears another attack from Floronius' trident, but the retiarius skitters away, giving the secutor a chance to rise.
Wounded, but not out, Camonius the Gaul pursues his quarry |
Breathing heavily Camonius gives chase again and lashes out clumsily with his blade, which Floronius easily evades. The retiarius gives more ground, forcing his opponent after him, who is panting with the effort. The Gaul pauses in his chase to catch his breath, but by the time he moves to close again Camonius' heart is pounding and his breath is ragged within the confining helmet.
Floronius skirts the secutor again, his net poised to throw. |
The retiarius moves around his foe, the net whirling above his head. Ducking below his shield Camonius presses forward, sees the shadow of the net spinning above him and attempts to move from it's path. Alas his wound has slowed him considerably and the retiarius' net falls over his scutum, entangling it.
The retiarius casts his net over the secutor's scutum. |
The crowd roars as Floronius dashes towards his prey, but Camonius manages to fling the net off his shield before the retiarius can close. He stabs at his agile opponent, but fails to get inside the trident's reach. At least he prevents him from retrieving the net. Floronius is not concerned about the fallen net and quickly steps to his right in an attempt to flank his foe. The maneuver catches the secutor off guard and again the trident finds flesh.
Floronius steps quickly to the right, stabbing at the Gaul's shield. |
The wound although not life threatening is enough to stagger the already weakened Camonius, who drops to the sand exhausted from blood loss and fatigue. He grasps Floronius' leg, exposes his throat and raises his two fingers in missio. The fickle Romans scorn his efforts and call for blood a second time. Floronius draws his pugio from his wide belt and ends the Gauls life. Floronius is victorious!!
Camonius falls to the sand begging for missio. |
More play testing of the rules, this time between a very well known pair, the retiarius and secutor. The secutor was played by me and Christian took Floronius, whose miniature we used has been affectionately known as "Ray Martin" (for any Aussies out there) for many years now. Christian must pay homage to the Dice Gods because boy can he roll a d6. We really need to get him to the casino. On the other hand I was in my usual form and failed to make the most simplest of rolls.
Regardless the battle gave us some more good insight into the rules and prompted me to revisit the damage and bleeding rules. It might be nice if I manage to win one of my own games anytime soon.