Welcome to "Adventures in Lead", a blog dedicated to the hobby of miniature wargaming. The figures and terrain on this site are mainly for a campaign set in exotic "Indostan", a distant land bearing remarkable similarities to 18th century India during the Seven Years War. Bits and pieces from other projects may pop up here as well from time to time, including colonials, gladiators, pirates, dinosaur-hunting and even some RPG'ing.
The actual campaign journal and after action reports for the Indostan campaign can be found on their own blog - "Indostan: The Jewel in the Crown", the link to which is found by clicking the small image below-left.
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Sunday, March 17, 2013

Gladiators: Camonius the Gaul vs Floronius

After the body of Lyphades has been removed from the arena and Drusix takes his victory bow, the patrician announces another matched pair. "I give you, Camonius the Gaul, secutor, versus Floronius, retiarius." The gladiators enter into the arena from the dark archways and take their places opposite each other.  At the patrician's signal the combat begins.
Camonius the Gaul (left), secutor, versus Floronius (right), retiarius
Floronius is the first to act, skittering around the secutor at a wide berth, his net twirling. Camonius purposefully moves to meet him, striking out with his gladius, while the retiarius agilely keeps him at trident length. Floronius gives ground to the Gaul's attacks, checking him suddenly with a lash from his net. Camonius is forced to chase the retreating retiarius, but breaks off when he fends off an attack with the trident.
The retiarius makes a wide berth around the secutor.
Floronius springs forward suddenly his trident thrusting low. It careens off the secutor's scutum, catching him  in the unprotected thigh of his right leg. The three points of the trident bury themselves in Camonius' flesh and bright blood flows freely from the wound. The secutor's leg gives from under him, he stumbles and falls in a heap. The gathered crowd roars at the blood, urging the gladiator to stand. Struggling to rise, he fears another attack from Floronius' trident, but the retiarius skitters away, giving the secutor a chance to rise.
Wounded, but not out, Camonius the Gaul pursues his quarry
Breathing heavily Camonius gives chase again and lashes out clumsily with his blade, which Floronius easily evades. The retiarius gives more ground, forcing his opponent after him, who is panting with the effort. The Gaul pauses in his chase to catch his breath, but by the time he moves to close again Camonius' heart is pounding and his breath is ragged within the confining helmet.
Floronius skirts the secutor again, his net poised to throw.
The retiarius moves around his foe, the net whirling above his head. Ducking below his shield Camonius presses forward, sees the shadow of the net spinning above him and attempts to move from it's path. Alas his wound has slowed him considerably and the retiarius' net falls over his scutum, entangling it.
The retiarius casts his net over the secutor's scutum.
The crowd roars as Floronius dashes towards his prey, but Camonius manages to fling the net off his shield before the retiarius can close. He stabs at his agile opponent, but fails to get inside the trident's reach. At least he prevents him from retrieving the net. Floronius is not concerned about the fallen net and quickly steps to his right in an attempt to flank his foe. The maneuver catches the secutor off guard and again the trident finds flesh.
Floronius steps quickly to the right, stabbing at the Gaul's shield.
The wound although not life threatening is enough to stagger the already weakened Camonius, who drops to the sand exhausted from blood loss and fatigue. He grasps Floronius' leg, exposes his throat and raises his two fingers in missio. The fickle Romans scorn his efforts and call for blood a second time. Floronius draws his pugio from his wide belt and ends the Gauls life. Floronius is victorious!!
Camonius falls to the sand begging for missio.
 More play testing of the rules, this time between a very well known pair, the retiarius and secutor. The secutor was played by me and Christian took Floronius, whose miniature we used has been affectionately known as "Ray Martin" (for any Aussies out there) for many years now. Christian must pay homage to the Dice Gods because boy can he roll a d6. We really need to get him to the casino. On the other hand I was in my usual form and failed to make the most simplest of rolls.
Regardless the battle gave us some more good insight into the rules and prompted me to revisit the damage and bleeding rules. It might be nice if I manage to win one of my own games anytime soon.

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Gladiators: Drusix vs Lyphades

In a villa outside of Rome the peers of a wealthy patrician have gathered to witness a private gladiator pairing between Drusix, murmillo, and Lyphades, thraex. The gladiators have been chosen carefully and are considered well matched.
The patrician gives the signal and the two gladiators rush to meet each other. Lyphades is the quicker and he springs towards Drusix, but the murmillo is already launching his own attack. The thraex is checked mid step and begins to be pushed back. Drusix lashes out with his heavy scutum, but his opponent parries the strike with his own shield. Lyphades attempts to counter one of the murmillo's strikes but fails to land the blow.
The pair close for battle - Drusix (left) and Lyphades (right).
Drusix takes advantage of the thraex's mistake and drives his gladius into Lyphades' outstretched arm, the blade cutting a deep furrow through the amour there. The thraex grunts in pain and blood flows freely down his arm and over the sica grasped in his hand. The gathered Romans let out a bloodthirsty cheer. Lyphades quickly threatens the murmillo with a quick attack that thankfully stops the murmillo's onslaught.
Drusix drives his gladius into the thraex's sword arm.
But not for long. Drusix pushes forward again, driving Lyphades back. He can tell the serious wound will quickly take its toll on the thraex. Drusix ducks below his shield and lauches his whole body at Lyphades in an attempt to knock him down. The thraex attempts to move out of the way, but he is hit squarely by the murmillo, stumbles backwards but does not go down.
Lyphades' bleeding wound is taking its toll.
Pushed dangerously close to the edge of the arena, Lyphades warily circles the murmillo in an attempt to avoid being hemmed in. He retreats from Drusix momentarily, the Romans hissing at his back and attempts to catch his breath. The murmillo spins to face the crowd, raises his arms triumphantly and roars a muffled battle-cry through his helm. He senses victory.
Lyphades turns the combat away from the wall.
Panting heavily Lyphades closes on the murmillo again, but his attacks fail to circumvent the large shield. The flurry leaves the thraex spent and Drusix stops giving ground, launching his own attacks instead. Each blow is a simple basic strike that drives the thraex back again, each blow becoming more dangerous than the last. The murmillo's last attack is well aimed and backed with considerable force. It lands just as Lyphades' foot touches the lip of the enclosed arena. Drusix's blade drives deeply through the shoulder of the thraex's shield arm, a bright spout of blood washes over the sand.
Backed into a corner and wounded again, Lyphades crashes to the ground.
Lyphades stumbles and crashes to the ground heavily, near exhausted. With all his effort he attempts to quickly stand but the looming shape of his adversary prevents him from getting to his feet. Drusix rains a couple of blows down onto the fallen thraex, who miraculously fends them off, parrying with his shield and rolling out of the way.
Lymphades bleeds heavily on the ground, his life ebbing from him.
Drusix knows the match is won, the Romans are calling for blood and he turns to them drops his shield and raises his bloodied gladius. Turning back to Lyphades he sees the thraex can not stand and so his opponent feebly raises two fingers in surrender, begging for missio. But it is too late for such thoughts. Drusix fought too well and avoided all of the thraex's attack. The crowd howls for blood and the patrician gives the word. Drusix raises the gladius again and drives it down through Lyphades' shoulder-blade. Victory is Drusix's!!
An unpainted Charon ensures Lyphades is not foxing.
Lyphades' wound and bleed counters at the end of the match.
Drusix is in fine form, a little puffed, but in a much better place than his opponent.

My opponent played the mighty Drusix and I was unfortunately the flawed Lyphades.The rules are my own set I have been working on for quite some time with the help of Dave. We had a great time playing this gladiator match and the game only took about 1.5 hours, pretty good for such an exciting battle.