A long over due post of the 3rd session in our "The Legacy of Arrius Lurco" Cthulhu campaign, with all players present. Ray has a new baby girl (congrats mate!), so we've had to hold off a little but are due to play the 4th session this Friday and hopefully will have that audio up quicker than this one.

Unfortunately we don't have our normal voice over lady available so the intro's a little short, but this is Episode 5 - The Death of Arrius Lurco. The brave investigators return to Roma and
rejoin Varus in the search for clues. They encounter their first brush with the supernatural and it is a rude and horrifying shock, but the truth is finally within their grasp. Will they be able to continue in their task?
Please allow me to apologise, in no particular order, in advance to the following slighted parties:- small boys, bastards, Tom Jones, residents of Roselands, The Phantom, whores, wife beaters, snuggie wearers, the people of Greece, the people of France, the people of Germany, Al Gore, followers of the Jewish faith, followers of the Muslim faith and cobblers.
Please accept our humble apologies, no offense was intended.
Previous session can be found