Welcome to "Adventures in Lead", a blog dedicated to the hobby of miniature wargaming. The figures and terrain on this site are mainly for a campaign set in exotic "Indostan", a distant land bearing remarkable similarities to 18th century India during the Seven Years War. Bits and pieces from other projects may pop up here as well from time to time, including colonials, gladiators, pirates, dinosaur-hunting and even some RPG'ing.
The actual campaign journal and after action reports for the Indostan campaign can be found on their own blog - "Indostan: The Jewel in the Crown", the link to which is found by clicking the small image below-left.
If you do find anything remotely interesting on this blog please leave a comment, it's what keeps these sites going and their authors motivated - Thanks for looking.

Saturday, June 24, 2023

Gangs of Rome - House of the Pomegranate

The next Gangs of Rome building is this nondescript property known locally as the House of the Pomegranate, an upscale lupanar, or brothel. My inspiration for this was from the scene when Titus Pullo takes Octavian to the brothel in HBO's Rome. The House of the Pomegranate is one of Sarissa's Semi-Detached Small with Flat Roof kits and it was a nice change to not have do add any pan-tiles to this one. At a later time I may detail the open roof area with some couches and plants.

The front room of the lupanar has a large wall mosaic of Venus. Roman brothels are well documented for their highly "descriptive" wall murals but I need to keep this pretty tame as the table will be displayed to the public and players may include kids. I also used a rug that was simply printed and cut out from normal printer paper.




  1. These buildings are wonderful. The attention to detail is incredible, they look so authentic. You might like Wallace Breem's "The Legate's Daughter" for a vivid description of early 1st Century Roman street life.

    1. Thanks for the kind words Cadan. I will certainly look into The Legate's Daughter.

  2. Another lovely piece of work Frank

  3. Wonderful (and imho) a necessary addition to your 'small' suburb of Rome. You should also take at look at Bob Murch'sTemple - a very inspiring build too.
